Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Healthy Lifestyle

One thing that some of you may or may not know is that I'm a member of Weight Watchers.

Lately I've been the prodigal weight watcher.

I've been attending meetings for 3 years and have made it really close to being a lifetime member. In fact, I came so close it makes me want to cry!

A lifetime member is someone who made their goal weight and then maintains it for 6 weeks. After reaching lifetime status, you are able to attend meetings for free as long as you stay within two points of your goal weight. Going to the meetings will give you the accountability and motivation to stay on track. They're usually really good meetings if you get a good Weight Watchers leader (I have two really good ones! Thank God for Silmara and Courtney!)

I love the program because its not a diet as much as it teaches you to transform your lifestyle into a healthy eater - not a lifetime dieter with pent up hunger waiting to be unleashed.

Now that I'm in my 30's, I have to take my eating habits seriously and eat healthy to avoid potential health problems. Also exercise.

I've lost 25 pounds (depending on what week you ask me, it could be 20-22 pounds lost) but my total at my goal will be 29-30 pounds total weight loss. I've been at a plateau and stuck for almost 2 years.

Yes. Really sad isn't it? I made it to goal and was on my 5th week of maintenance (after your 6th week you turn into a Lifetime member) - then boom. Up a pound. Then up half a pound and stayed there. Then up another pound. I never made it to my 6th week to become a lifetime member.

I still haven't made it. In fact I was hovering just above the goal line for 2 years until last November I started to slowly cave in.

Now what was 5 pounds left to go is now 12 pounds! Yikes.

Most people would've quit, but not me. I'm determined to go all the way this time.

I want to be a lifetime member.

I want to make it and transform this area of my life.

Diet and exercise are key in your well being here on earth, outside of your walk with God

I'm trying to get back my motivation. My increasingly tight clothes and scale disappointments are starting to sink in.

Yesterday and today I tracked my points carefully.

I drank my all water as usual.

I dusted off my gym lock and went to the gym. I ran 1.5 miles. Its a start for someone who hasn't been in several months (good thing my gym membership is insanely cheap!).

I ate my vegetables!

Oh please pray for me!

1 comment:

quierotango said...

good girl. fight the good fight.