Monday, December 17, 2007

Gløgg Night

Last night I went to my Uncle Nil's place in Brooklyn to have some gløgg and celebrate the holidays (pronounced "glueg"). Gløgg is a Swedish holiday drink that is spicy, warm, fruity and sometimes alcoholic. We also had various foods that are typical of the Swedish festivities.

My Father's side of the family are from Malmo, Sweden (Uncle Nils is my father's younger brother). They came here in the 1950's, first living in Detroit before moving to West Bloomfield, Michigan. My father still has a strong Swedish accent. I love my Swedish heritage and find it fascinating to partake in many of the cultural gatherings forgotten in my typical americanized life. Years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Sweden and loved it. The people, places, culture and the land are so lovely and intriguing. Unfortunately, its also one of the most atheistic countries in the world.

For all you Swedes out there - God Jul!
(God Jul = Merry Christmas in Swedish)

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