Curious about it, I opened the front door and when looking around I spotted a scared little kitten running away. Those strange noises were coming from a very frightened and cold baby kitty.
Wanting to rescue it, Cuyler and I put on our hat and boots, searching the yard and the neighbor's yard with a flashlight for the poor little kitty. No such luck.
Throughout the night, you could hear it crying and when we would try to find it, it was nowhere to be found.
Finally after two consecutive nights of hearing kitten cries and getting no sleep, Cuyler comes home from work with a trapping cage. Where on earth she found something like that in Manhattan is beyond me.
So she set it up, hoping and praying that we get the kitten and nothing else small and furry!
If it caught anything else, I declared I wouldn't go 10 feet near it!
The next morning, the cage was empty. Nothing yet - or so we thought.
Cuyler left for work and I jumped in the shower. After showering I heard noises outside and I knew what had happened. We caught a kitten!!
I went outside and sure enough, there was a scared little kitty in this little trap. It was really freaked out too!
My neighbor let us borrow a small cage, in which we kept the kitty until we could figure out what to do with it.
She ended up with the ASPCA.
She was treated with antibiotics and a week later, placed up for adoption.
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