Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Little Angels

At the Harvest Center, one of the things I do is work in the After School program. This is my 5th year being involved in this program.
The children, who are 1st-4th graders, come to us straight from school for two hours. There we tutor them in their academic subjects, teach them a bible lesson and then break into small groups to do homework.
Yesterday, I was elated because in my small group for homework time (which usually is the most difficult), I had perfect children! Yes, it was amazing..... they didn't complain, paid attention, didn't mind being corrected, completed everything and if they didn't understand, their attempts to understand were met with the ability understand! Wow. I had to brag. This is a big deal!
I gave them tickets (rewards for their behavior).
Then later on after the children went home, one of the tutors took me aside. My group wasn't so well behaved after all. I had to step out of the room for a minute. Yes, just only a minute. When I was away, one of the girls started making fun of the girl across from her. They had to be disciplined. This burst my bubble. We had such a good day, so productive and smooth.
Oh well. I'm still going to remember this day as a perfect day!

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