I heard an amazing story today and I thought I would share it with you. It's about forgiveness.
I was inspired and touched by this story. I hope I can relay what an impactful story this really is.
Many years ago, my friend Jim was married and had three children. His wife, pregnant with their fourth child went into labor and delivered a baby girl. After she was delivered, the doctor took her into the next room, cleaned her up. He then approached Jim, asking him if he was the father and introduced Jim to this beautiful baby girl. Something in Jim's heart checked and he just knew for some unknown reason he wasn't the father of the baby girl his wife just delivered.

He went through the motions and prayed about his paternity of the child. As he prayed, he felt as if the Lord was telling him to forgive and say nothing. A year later, a DNA test was performed and his suspicions were proven - he was not the biological father of this child. But God kept reminding Him to be obedient and forgive. This was very, very difficult at times. Jim loved the Lord with all his heart and it was all that he could do to forgive his wife and love this baby girl as his own. But he did and the little girl never knew the difference. She still does not know.
God helped Jim and he and his daughter had a very close relationship. She grew to be a beautiful woman and daddy's girl. She ended up being more like him than any of her brothers and sisters. She not only looks up to her Daddy who was her best friend, but has a passion for Jesus just like him. She loves the Lord with all of her heart. She has since married and moved out of state. She calls or sends him text messages daily. Yesterday he got a text from her that said "Me without you is like a fat man without his cake".
Forgiveness serves a greater purpose than just us.
It impacts the lives of everyone all around us.