Friday, October 03, 2008

Living in the 3-1-3

I am working on a project to help Metro Life World Outreach with their fundraising project. They are a church in the Corktown area of Detroit. It's situated in one of the poorer and crime infested areas of Detroit. The presentation is a reminder the realities of what life is like in the throes of everyday Detroit.
The presentation brings you back to the reality that you really don't have to go to Lebanon or Afghanistan to live in or see urban devastation and ruin, because the same devastation is right here in the US. I went to the neighborhood to take some photos. for the presentation These are just a fraction of the remnants and ruins of Detroit. Unfortunately, this dire need is often ignored. I'm honored to be able to volunteer for a church like Metro Life. They work with the people, mainly the children and teens in the community to give them hope and a way out of the circumstances that could await them in the cycle of poverty.

Please pray for the city of Detroit. If you would like to know more about the work of Metro Life, Pastor Matt Cripps and the good news gang, please send me an email at

See the pictures below...

A closed, boarded up and graffiti ridden elementary school.
Inside some of the closed schools are books and other usable material left to go to waste.

An old abandoned factory where people live.

Another old abandoned factory. Would you want to live across the street from this?

Just a couple of houses

This house could almost be a work of graffiti art. What a shame when there are people without a roof over their head in all places of the world.